Terms and Conditions of Sale

General terms and conditions of sale for online purchases on e-commerce COLLESI TRADE SRL, with registered office in Via Lago dei Gabbiani snc - 61042 Apecchio (PU), P.IVA 02787210414, makes available to all users of age on Italian territory the possibility to purchase products online, (hereinafter "Products"), through the website collesibeauty.it (hereinafter "Site"), of which COLLESI TRADE SRL is the sole and exclusive owner.

1) General Notes
These general terms and conditions of sale ("General Terms and Conditions") are governed by the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 and subsequent amendments and additions) and by the rules on electronic commerce (Legislative Decree no. 70/2003 and subsequent amendments and additions) and apply exclusively to the sale through the web of the Products shown on the website collesibeauty.it The General Terms and Conditions are to be considered valid from the moment the order is sent (hereinafter the "Purchase Order") by the customer (hereinafter the "Customer").

2) Offer to the public
The Products with their Prices as presented on the Website constitute an offer to the public in accordance with the terms specified in the General Conditions and on the Website itself. The Conditions of this offer apply exclusively to purchases made on the aforementioned Website. The purchase contracts entered into on the Site and concerning the Products (hereinafter "Purchase Contracts" or simply "Contracts") are concluded with COLLESI TRADE SRL.

3) Prices
All Product Prices shown on the Site are inclusive of VAT. The Price shown on the Site, at the time the Order is placed, shall apply to the Products, without any consideration of previous offers or possible price variations occurring subsequently.

4) Order
The Customer correctly concludes the Order Procedure if the Site does not show any error message (note: the system cannot detect errors with respect to the data entered by the Customer in the field dedicated to billing or shipping addresses).
The Purchase Agreement shall be deemed concluded between COLLESI TRADE SRL and the Customer upon receipt of the Order by COLLESI TRADE SRL In this case COLLESI TRADE SRL will acknowledge receipt of the Order by sending an e-mail order confirmation (hereinafter "Order Confirmation") to the e-mail address provided by the Customer. This Confirmation will summarise the Products chosen, the relative Prices (including Delivery charges, the delivery address, the order number, hereinafter "Order Number").

5) Payment modalities
Payment of the Order shall be made at the time the Order is forwarded to COLLESI TRADE SRL. Payment must be made on-line by Paypal or Credit Card or bank transfer. In the latter case the order will be processed by COLLESI TRADE SRL upon receipt of payment. COLLESI TRADE SRL will issue an appropriate fiscal document certifying the purchase. For the issuance of the invoice will be based on the information provided by the Customer who will have registered as a professional/company. COLLESI TRADE SRL therefore reminds the Customer to always verify, with the utmost care, the accuracy of the information provided.

6) Method of delivery
COLLESI TRADE SRL will make delivery (hereinafter "Delivery") by specialized carriers specifically appointed by COLLESI TRADE SRL (hereinafter "Carriers"). At the time of Delivery, the presence of the Customer or a trusted person is required to check that the packaging is intact and clean and that the Products received correspond to what is stated on the Order. In case of visible defects, such as incorrect quantity and/or wrong Product and non-integrity of packaging, COLLESI TRADE SRL asks the Customer or his trusted person to report the above anomalies on the transport document and contact us. In the case of shipment of bottles, the Customer shall verify that the packaging is intact, not damaged even in the closing materials or that there is no leakage of liquid. Any damage must be reported immediately by placing a written control reservation (and specifying the reason for the reservation, e.g. "punctured packaging", "crushed packaging", etc.) on the courier's delivery document. Once this document has been signed, the Customer may no longer make any objection regarding the characteristics of what has been delivered. Any problems concerning the physical integrity, correspondence or completeness of the products received must be reported within 3 days of delivery by sending an email to service@collesi.com.

7) Delivery Charges
Delivery costs (hereinafter 'Delivery Charges') are borne by the Customer and adequately highlighted and detailed in the Purchase Order and in the subsequent Order Confirmation. Free shipping is provided above a purchase threshold indicated in each product sheet.

8) Right of Withdrawal
If the Customer is a "Consumer", as defined in Article 3 of the Consumer Code, he/she shall be entitled to the rights set forth in Article 52 et seq. of the Consumer Code, as amended by Legislative Decree No. 21 of 21/02/2014, and therefore the right to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement (hereinafter the "Right of Withdrawal") for any reason whatsoever, without explanation and without penalty, in accordance with the procedures set forth below. The Right of Withdrawal may relate to all (Total Withdrawal) or only part (Partial Withdrawal) of the Products purchased by the Consumer.
The Withdrawal Period expires after 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which the Consumer or a third party, other than the Carrier and designated by the Consumer, acquires physical possession of the Product(s) (hereinafter the "Withdrawal Period").
The right of Withdrawal shall be exercised by sending - before the expiry of the Withdrawal Period as indicated above - a notice of withdrawal (hereinafter 'Withdrawal Notice') by paper mail addressed to
The Notice of Withdrawal may alternatively also be sent - within the same Withdrawal Period as indicated above - by e-mail to the following address:
The Notice of Withdrawal shall specify the wish to withdraw from the Purchase and the Product or Products for which the right of Withdrawal is to be exercised.
COLLESI TRADE SRL reminds its consumers that the transport costs for the return of the product / s subject to withdrawal are borne by the consumer and that the return is under the full responsibility of the consumer. COLLESI TRADE SRL also reminds its consumers, before the return, to check that the product / s subject to withdrawal is / are intact and in normal state of preservation, in the original packaging, complete in all its parts.
If the right of withdrawal has been properly exercised in accordance with the provisions of art. 52 et seq., COLLESI TRADE SRL will refund the consumer the amount already paid within 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which it was informed of the consumer's decision to withdraw from the Purchase Agreement. COLLESI TRADE SRL, pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 56 of the Consumer Code as amended by Legislative Decree no. 21/2014, reserves the right to withhold the refund until it has received the Product/s.

9) Customer Obligations
The Customer declares and warrants: that he/she is of age; that the data provided by him/her for the execution of the Contract are correct and true; that he/she has read, understood and accepted the present terms and conditions of sale, which he/she shall have duly kept;
The Customer is solely responsible for the truthfulness and correctness of the information provided during the purchase and which is obligatory for the purposes of the same through www.collesibeauty.it and undertakes to promptly notify any changes in the data entered.

10) Processing of personal data
The Customer's data are processed by COLLESI TRADE SRL in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act, as specified on page Privacy Policy.
11) Conciliation Procedure. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
The Purchase Agreement between the Customer and COLLESI TRADE SRL is concluded in Italy and governed by Italian Law. The Urbino Judicial Authority shall be competent for any dispute, with the exception of disputes with Consumer Customers, which shall instead be the competence of the Judicial Authority of the place of residence or domicile of the Consumer Customer.



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